• 姓名: 赵晨
  • 职称: 副教授
  • 学位: 博士
  • 华南农业大学
  • 植物保护学院
姓 名 性 别
出生年月 1985年7月 籍贯 襄阳
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 群众
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 哲学博士学位
技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕导
行政职务 Email zhaoc@scau.edu.cn
工作单位 华南农业大学农学院农药学系 邮政编码
通讯地址 华南农业大学一号楼
个人主页 http://nxy.scau.edu.cn/2016/1209/c589a18688/page.htm
赵晨,女,1985年7月出生,博士,首聘副教授,硕士生导师,农药学系主任。2008于中国科学技术大学化学系获本科学位,2013年于美国南卡罗莱纳大学化学系获有机化学博士学位,后在美国阿克伦大学高分子科学系进行博士后研究,2016年7月入职华南农业大学。在化学合成与功能材料制备领域有着丰富的经验,现主要从事农药化学方面研究。目前已发表SCI论文19篇,包括农林领域权威期刊Journal of Food and Agricultural Chemistry、Pest Management Science, 化学领域顶级期刊Journal of the American Chemical Society、Organic Letters、Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical等。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,国家重点研发计划子课题任务一项,广州市科技项目一项。2017年获广东省“珠江人才计划”青年拔尖人才称号。
1. 广东省生物农药工程技术研究中心 副主任 2. 广东省化工学会农药专业委员会 委员 3. 广东省化工学会 会员

1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,"基于超分子作用的环糊精类导向农药载体的设计、合成及转运性能研究",项目编号:31701826,2018-2020,主持,23万。
2. 国家重点研发计划,“化学肥料和农药减施增效综合技术研发”试点专项"靶标导向的分子设计与天然产物结构多样性衍生",导向载体-农药复合结构设计与合成(项目编号:2017YFD0200504),2017-2020,参与,5万。
3. 广州市科技计划,"基于超分子结构的农药导向助剂的设计合成“,项目编号:202002030224,2020-2023,主持,20万。
近年来以第一作者或通讯作者在Journal of the American Chemical Society,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Pest Management Science,Organic Letters,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical等国际权威学术期刊发表论文多篇。

1. Zhao, W; Zheng, S.; Zou, J.; Liang, Y.; Zhao, C.* and Hanhong Xu*. Synthesis of Novel Pesticidal N,N’-Disubstituted Sulfamide Derivatives Using Sulfur(VI) Fluorine Exchange Click Reaction. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2021, 69, 5798−5803.
2. Qin, T; Liu, B.; Xu, Z.; Yao, G.; Xu, H.-H.* and Zhao, C.* Flavonol-based small-molecule fluorescent probes. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2021, 336, 129718.
3. Yan, W.; Lin, X.; Yao, Q.; Zhao, C.; Zhang, Z.* and Xu, H.-H.* Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve uptake and control efficacy of carbosulfan on Spodoptera frugiperda in maize plants. Pest Management Science, 2021, 77(6), 2812-2819.
4. Wen, Y.; Meng, H.; Zhao, C.; Lin, F. and Xu H.-H.*. Evaluation of flupyradifurone for the management of the Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri via dripping irrigation systems. Pest Management Science, 2021, 77, 2584-2590.
5. Yang, S.; Lai, Q.-Q.; Lai, F.; Jiang, X.; Zhao, C.*; Xu, H.-H.* Design, synthesis, and insecticidal activities of novel 5-substituted 4,5-dihydropyrazolo[1,5-a]quinazoline derivatives. Pest Management Science 2021, 77, 1013-1022.
6. Qin, T.; Liu, B.; Du, B.; Huang, Y.; Yao, G.; Xun, Z.; Xu, H.-H.*; Zhao, C.* Solvatofluorochromic flavonoid dyes with enlarged transition dipole moments enable the ratiometric detection of methanol in commercial biodiesel with improved sensitivities. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 16808-16814.
7. Jiang, X.; Yang, S.; Yan, Y.; Lin, F.; Zhang, L.; Zhao, W.; Zhao, C.*; Xu, H.-H.* Design, Synthesis, and Insecticidal Activity of 5,5-Disubstituted 4,5-Dihydropyrazolo[1,5‑a]quinazolines as Novel Antagonists of GABA Receptors. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 15005−15014.
8. Yang, S.; Xu, K.; Lai, Q.-Q.; Zhao, C.*; Xu, H.-H.* Design, synthesis and insecticidal-activity evaluation of N-pyridylpyrazolo-5-methyl amines and its derivatives. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 2020, 57(12), 4304-4311. (doi: 10.1002/jhet.4136)
9. Jiang, X.; Wei, X.; Lin, F.; Zhang, Z.; Yang, S.; Zhao, W.; Yao, G.; Zhao, C.*; Xu, H.-H.* Substrate-controlled [5+1] annulation of 5-amino-1H-phenylpyrazoles with alkenes: divergent synthesis of multi-substituted 4,5-dihydropyrazolo[1,5-]quinazolines. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2020, 3997-4003
10. Zheng, S.; Lin, X.; Wu, H.; Zhao, C.*; Xu, H.-H.* Synthesis, bioactivities and phloem uptake of dipeptide‑chlorantraniliprole derivatives. BMC Chemistry, 2020, 14, 22.
11. Lai, Q.-Q.; Si, S.-F.; Qin, T.-Y.; Li, B.-J.; Wu, H.-X.; Liu, B.,* Xu, H.-H.,* Zhao, C.* A novel red-emissive probe for colorimetric and ratiometric detection of hydrazine and its application in plant imaging. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2020, 307:127640.
12. Jiang, H.; Chen, J.; Zhao, C.; Tian, Y.; Zhang, Z.-X.*; Xu, H.-H.* Sulfoxaflor residues in pollen and nectar of cotton applied through drip irrigation and their potential exposure to Apis mellifera L. Insects, 2020, 11, 114.
13. Jiang, X.; Xie, Y.; Ren, Z.; Ganeteg, U.; Lin, F.; Zhao, C.*; Xu, H.-H.* Design of a new glutamine-fipronil conjugate with α-amino acid function and its uptake by A. thaliana Lysine Histidine Transporter1 (AtLHT1). J. Agric. Food Chem. 2018, 66, 7597-7605.
14. Sheng, Q.; Liu, X.; Xie, Y.; Lin, F.; Zhang, Z.; Zhao, C.*; Xu, H.-H.* Synthesis of novel amino acid–fipronil conjugates and study on their phloem loading mechanism. Molecules 2018, 23, 778.
15. Yao, G.; Wen, Y.; Zhao, C.*; Xu, H.* Novel amino acid ester-chlorantraniliprole conjugates: design, synthesis, phloem accumulation and bioactivity. Pest Management Science 2017, 73, 2131-2137.
16. 杨帅, 江薰垣, 张悦, 赵晨*, 徐汉虹*. 苯基吡唑类化合物的合成、杀虫活性及对蜜蜂的毒性[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2020, 41(3): 1-8.
17. 盛情情, 赵晨, 燕颍, 徐汉虹. 新型芳基吡唑脲类化合物的合成及活性评价[J].华南农业大学学报, 2018 ,39(02):75-81.
18. 姚光凯, 赵晨, 陈铃诗, 徐汉虹. ADME——当前杀虫剂研发的主要关注点[J].世界农药, 2017, 39(04):11-15.
19. Zhao, C.; Parrish, R. M.; Smith, M. D.; Pellechia, P. J.; Sherrill, C. D.; Shimizu, K. D. “Do Deuteriums Form Stronger CH-π Interactions?” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 14306-14309.
20. Zhao, C.; Li, P.; Smith, M. D.; Pellechia, P. J.; Shimizu, K, D. “Experimental Study of the Cooperativity of CH−π Interactions.” Organic Letters, 2014, 16, 3520-3523.
21. Zhao, C.; Liu, B.; Bi, X.; Liu, D.; Pan, C.; Wang, L.; Pang, Y. “A Novel Flavonoid-Based Bioprobe for Intracellular Recognition of Cu2+ and Its Complex with Cu2+ for Secondary Sensing of Pyrophosphate.” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 229, 131-137.
22. Li, P.; Zhao, C.; Smith, M. D.; Shimizu, K. D. “Comprehensive Experimental Study of N-Heterocyclic π-Stacking Interactions of Neutral and Cationic Pyridines.” The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2013, 78, 5303-5313.
23. Carroll, W. R.; Zhao, C.; Smith, M. D.; Pellechia, P. J.; Shimizu, K. D. “A Molecular Balance for Measuring Aliphatic CH-π Interactions.” Organic Letters, 2011, 13, 4320-4323.
24. Wang, X.; Fang, F.; Zhao, C.; Tian, S. K. “Dual-Reagent Organocatalysis with a Phosphine and Electron-Deficient Alkene: Application to the Henry Reaction.” Tetrahedron Letters, 2008, 45, 6442-6444.
25. Li, P.; Hwang, J.; Maier, J.; Zhao, C.; Kaborda, D.; Smith, M.; Pellechia, P.; Shimizu, K. D. “Correlation between solid-state and solution conformational ratios in a series of N-(o-tolyl)succinimide molecular rotors”, Crystal Growth & Design. 2015. 15, 3561-3564.
1. 徐汉虹,江薰垣,赵晨,赖秋勤,邓成菊,张志祥,林菲. 一类稠杂环化合物的制备方法. ZL201910068917.8.
2. 徐汉虹,江薰垣,魏孝义,张志祥,林菲,邓成菊,赵晨,杨帅,赵伟靖. 一类含吡唑环的稠合杂环化合物及其应用. ZL201810219338.4.